Kage Daimon
The Heisei Reiwa no Hyakumonyo Project(woodblock publicized in December 2019)
Matchmaking, prosperity, change, rebirth
This pattern was created in collaboration with the Daimaru Kyoto department store and has two variations—the shadow and the sunlight.
It expresses the wish that people will continue to gather together in Daimaru, forming circles of relationships, and that everyone will find lasting happiness and prosperity. The infinitely rising and falling pattern is based on the kanji character for “dai” in “Daimaru,” and is formed into a braided cord pattern, in which change and rebirth are forever connected. Our hope was for this pattern to bring prosperity to Daimaru Kyoto while gently accompanying the customers who pass through the shops each day.
Description by Karakamishi Toto Akihiko