Renewal of the Karacho Logo
Among our responsibilities as the married couple taking on the mantle as the 13th generation masters at Karacho, we have created a new logo for Karacho. The logo is based on the “Tsurunoko Reiwa” pattern, one of the 100 Patterns of Heisei and Reiwa project. Tsurunoko Reiwa is a reinterpretation and reconstruction of the Karacho pattern “Tenpyo Ogumo,” which has been carefully handed down through generations of Karacho masters. The Tenpyo Ogumo pattern, which our ancestors literally risked their lives to pass down, is recognized as the representative design of Karacho. As the inheritors of this important pattern, we were filled with gratitude and respect that it has endured for 400 years, and wished to create an homage with a new pattern for future generations.
The auspicious clouds are a lucky omen representing fruitfulness and fertility. We have shaped them into a round crest to signify the world changing into a more rounded place of peace and harmony. By using two clouds to form a single shape, we represent the marital bliss of a couple that supports one another, at times taking the spot in the sun, and at others retreating into the shade. “Tsurunoko” refers to descendants eight generations in the future. Also called “unson,” it is written with the kanji for “cloud” and “grandchild.” We hope that these eight clouds in the sun and shade will direct people’s thoughts to the world eight generations from now, while serving as a reminder that there was once a person who created this pattern to express a prayer through karakami for world peace and the happiness of all humankind. The Tsurunoko Reiwa pattern-inspired new logo was further developed with designer Tomohiro Yokokawa. We hope that the new logo expresses our will to pass the baton to the next generation, and that it continues to circulate, as Karacho is unique in carrying on an unbroken tradition of karakami from the Edo Period, and will continue to carry that tradition into the future. We are glad to introduce a wonderful design that flies beyond Japan and the West.
In the center of the design dwells a hidden intersection. The cross represents fellowship. New value for living in the future is always created when one thing and another intersect: people with people, past with present, east with west, heaven with earth… We have created a beautiful logo that perfectly expresses our aspirations and desires to create new value for the future.
Authenticity and Tradition
To cherish heritage and history, to convey the feeling and textures of handicraft, to forge the future with a firm grasp on evolving tradition.
In all the world, there is but one karakami shop that weaves its own unbroken story, giving form to beauty as a prayer for the happiness of humankind.
With pride, we would like to behold karakami every day so that we can be responsible for the future of Karacho and pass the torch to the next generation.
Toto Akihiko and Senda Aiko